2022 Annual General Meeting
May 11, 2022

A Message from our General Manager

Another year – that’s a wrap! Our fiscal year 2021 AGM was held June 1 – 7 pm.

The usual agenda was followed, complete with a report from the board president:
Gord Dunsmore, operations report from GM: Laurie Gehrke, and FCL Report from Paul Hames. MNP representative Mike Bonkowski provided a review of the annual report to the members present (both in-person and virtually)!

Some highlights from our meeting:

- The Ucluelet Co-op team received many kudos for their amazing hard
work throughout the year

- We are now in partnership with the Ucluelet Childcare Society to create
more desperately needed daycare spaces for our community

- Welcome to our new board member: Lindsey Anderson

- $22.9 Million in sales

- Shortage of staff is leading to some reduction in services

- Discussion of Director minimum spend, and term in office was held. Will
be voted on at our next AGM (2022 Fiscal)

- Draws for Door Prizes, grand prize of a $250.00 gift card went to Laurie

- Social gathering with our members immediately after our meeting and a
great discussion was had by all.

Thank you for coming, Ukee!

Past Deadline

This is your Co-op. Every Ucluelet Co-op member is an owner, and as an owner, you can and should have a say in your business.

Please join us for our Annual General Meeting, held on Wednesday, June 1st, 2022, beginning at 7 PM.

This year's AGM will be held both in-person in the George Fraser Room at the Ucluelet Community Center, and virtually on Zoom!

There will be tea, coffee, and snacks after for a social gathering in the lobby, along with draws for special door prizes!

To RSVP, click the link below:


We look forward to seeing you.
Thank you, Ukee!